Friday, August 17, 2007

The Art of Others

Summer has me in its grip, an indolent haze has descended. I have not been very productive. But I have come across two outdoor sculptures that were so beautiful, I thought I could share them.

Social Dress New Orleans - 730 days after

Takashi Horisaki covered a house in New Orleans with latex mixed with paint and has hung the resulting imprint up in Socrates park. The house was about to be demolished. There was a good deal of suspense while he was working with the Army Corps of Engineers revving the bulldozers as he waited for the latex to set. The whole story is on his blog

Here are some pictures

Defunct, Cojoined - Madison Square Park

Roxy Paine is such an incredible artist. I have seen his work at the James Cohan gallery (which is one of my favorite galleries in the city, such fine art, so inviting). I had seen the trees from a distance, glinting among the living ones. When I finally had time to see them up close, they took my breath away. The day I came back to photograph them, there was a concert for children. The lawn was gated off and there was an army of designer strollers all over the park.

The children were really enjoying the cojoined trees so I didn't mind that I couldn't get up close to the trunks.

Here is a link to Roxy Paine at James Cohan

Some pictures of Cojoined

And some pictures of Defunct

I didn't see Erratic, a shiny boulder. It was probably obscured by strollers.

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