Thursday, May 24, 2012


Life continues to be stressful.The dentists and the computers continue to be a source of drama. I am beginning to wonder if there is an astrological house associated with them. If there is then something disruptive like Mars has moved in. I have been working on my dream pictures, but it has been slow. I need to figure out some photoshop things. I have images, but I am not ready to share them. 

I was so worried when it didn't rain all through April but we have made up for it since the beginning of May. I wanted to feel the green, so I went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. It is harder to get to since we moved to Bushwick, but I feel drawn to it and continue to search for the easiest way to get there. They have a new visitor's center with a green roof and all kinds of alternative energy going on. I did not get any good pictures of it. Maybe it is one of those spaces that need to be visited rather than photographed. The gardens smelled green, everything was damp from the morning rain. There were school children and organized groups, all taking advantage of the Tuesday free admission. Everyone seemed really happy.

One of the gardeners' trucks was decorated with a pinwheel.

It was right near some cornflowers.

What I thought was one of the rocks in the stream,

in fact was a turtle enjoying the water.

I only photographed this bamboo because it was young and delicate like the bamboo I planted in front of my house. 

The subway station was virid with moss. I only got one picture before the train came.

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