Thursday, January 12, 2017

Last Week's Snow

Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn,
a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.
If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,
this is the best season of your life.

I am not usually the person who posts poetry, but I really liked this one. The first snow of the year was a week ago. It was delicate and charming, a welcome arrival for the beginning of the year.

These weedy little daisy flowers were still hanging on. My friend at the community garden said they bloom when everything else is brown, and here is the proof.

The garden looked seasonally appropriate.

The milkweed pods still had their seeds. I guess they disperse in the spring.

I gathered pots of snow which I melted down to water the houseplants with. They always enjoy rain showers in the summer, so I thought the snow would be beneficial. They seemed to like it. This was also the last day of the tree, seen in the corner.

The next day it snowed again, and what was forecast as a dusting quickly got out of hand.

It was Saturday, running the usual weekend errands soon became an ordeal.

The daylight drained away and everything got quiet.

The next day, the weather got warm, the snow started to melt, now it feels like spring.

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