Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The End for Admiral's Row

About two weeks ago the city made an deal to build a ShopRite on the site of Admiral's RowAll the buildings will be demolished except for two, and one of those might be impossible to save.

It came as no surprise, there has been talk of building a supermarket for years.  The houses have been collapsing.

I am sad all the same, not for the buildings. Well, I am a little sad that the buildings were allowed to decay.

Still I enjoy their ruin, entropy is one of my favorite things.

I am grieving the soon to be lost wildness.

One need only to look at the plans to see that there will be no weeds overrunning the parking lot.

So much of the city is being tamed.  Soon I may have to head for the suburbs to find my beloved weeds and ruin.

1 comment:

Jess Ruliffson said...

I really love these, the last image is incredible! You need to pay a visit to New Orleans! Entropy is alive and well there. I thought you might like this blog post by Tod Seelie, when he visited N.O. last year: