Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Midtown Getting Taller

Detail of the Roosevelt Hotel

On Sunday, the New York Times had an article about how Mayor Bloomberg wants to rezone the area around Grand Central Station. He wants taller buildings. It is hard to imagine an area less in need of more tall buildings. There are some pretty old ones in the area and I worried that these were in danger. So I plunged out in the afternoon gloom to see which buildings would fall under the rezoning footprint.

Luckily most of them were stodgy old brick buildings or bland glass blocks. I have a fondness for the old brick buildings and I would be sad to see them replaced. But at least none of the old beauties is in danger.

Well almost none, 345 Madison is one of the buildings that may be torn down. It is all black marble and bronze highlights. I sketched it once years ago, I would miss it.

While I was prowling around, I passed one of my favorite mid-century buildings diagonal to the Chrysler Building.

I love its streamlined arches and its pressed aluminum.

I cannot go into this part of town without passing the Chrysler building. It is too close to appreciate its spire, but it's good to appreciate the entrances too.

One main drawback to the rezoning is it could add 16,000 workers to the area. On a cold rainy Sunday, the streets were full of people, I can't imagine where all those new workers would fit.

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